Pemart is the culmination of years of experience and know-how in the fields of performing arts, eduction, communication and coaching in film, theatre, music and opera.
Pemart has affiliates and branches in Paris, France (CRDT - Centre de Recherche Dikran Tchouhadjian), Bergen, Norway (Bergen Byspill Theatre), London, UK (Arcola Theatre & LSE), Los Angeles (Fountain Theatre, LA Experimental Theater) and here in New York City (TRU, FIAF)
Pemart's regular artistic collaborators are: Garine Opera (Paris), Luna Playhouse, The Fountain Theatre (Los Angeles, California), Theater Resources Unlimited (TRU - New York City), The Directors' Guild of Armenia (Yerevan, Armenia), The Ministry of Culture of Armenia (Yerevan, Armenia), The National Academy of Drama and Film (Armenia) and Bergen Byspill Theatre in Bergen, Norway to name a few.
RATED SR - Socially Relveant Film Festival NY
launches at the Cannes Film Festival 2013
Pemart offers cultural and linguistic consultancy services and facilitates cultural relations including business relations in different countries. Coaching for Public Speech and Presentation skills in the form of workshops and private sessions are also part of Pemart services. Pemart works with an in-house and outside group of coaches, adapters, translators and interpreters in a number of language pairs: English, French, Arabic, Armenian, Turkish,Italian and Russian.
for more information go to:
Contact us for more information and to discuss your specific needs.
Celebrate with Champagne Gifts
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...quality performance pieces in spoken word and music, films, recordings, interactive workshop sessions and Masterclasses to universitites, communities, schools and individuals. Details are posted regularly on this website.
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